how to print color on word and why does the color of my printed document sometimes appear different from what I see on screen?

how to print color on word and why does the color of my printed document sometimes appear different from what I see on screen?

Printing color accurately can be a challenge, especially when you’re working with digital documents that have rich color schemes. The discrepancy between the colors you see on your computer screen and those printed can be attributed to several factors, including differences in printer settings, ink quality, paper type, and the color profiles used during the printing process. In this article, we will explore various methods and techniques to ensure that your printed document matches the colors displayed on your screen as closely as possible.

Understanding Color Profiles

Color profiles are crucial for ensuring consistent color reproduction across different devices and printing environments. They define how colors should be interpreted by a device based on its capabilities. When creating or editing documents, it’s essential to use a color profile that accurately represents the intended colors. This is particularly important if you plan to print the document on different machines or at different locations.

Steps to Ensure Accurate Color Printing

  1. Use Professional Color Management Tools: Tools like Adobe Color Management can help you create and apply accurate color profiles. These tools allow you to simulate the final output on various devices, helping you make informed decisions about color settings.

  2. Check Printer Settings: Before printing, review your printer’s settings to ensure they match your intended output. Most printers offer options such as “Match Media,” “Print to Match Screen,” or “Print as Close as Possible.” Choose the option that best suits your needs.

  3. Consider Your Ink and Paper Quality: Different types of ink and paper can affect the color accuracy of your prints. High-quality inkjet or laser printers and specific paper types can yield more vibrant and accurate colors.

  4. Calibrate Your Monitor: A calibrated monitor ensures that the colors you see on your screen are as close as possible to what they will look like when printed. Many monitors come with built-in calibration tools or you can use third-party software like Caliburn or ColorMunki.

  5. Use Print Preview: Utilize the print preview feature in Microsoft Word (or other word processors) to see how your document will look before actual printing. This allows you to make any necessary adjustments to the color settings.

  6. Experiment with Different Printers: If possible, test your document on different printers to see how they handle the colors. This can provide valuable insights into which printer yields the most accurate results.

Addressing Common Issues

Sometimes, despite following all these steps, you might still encounter discrepancies in color. Here are some common issues and their solutions:

  • Ink Issues: Low-quality ink or old cartridges can cause color shifts. Replace your ink cartridges or consider using high-quality ink for better results.

  • Paper Quality: Using low-quality paper can lead to faded colors. Opt for professional-grade papers designed for high-quality printing.

  • Color Profile Mismatch: Ensure that the color profile used for printing matches the one used for editing. Sometimes, mismatched profiles can cause significant color deviations.

  • Device Differences: Even within the same printer model, slight variations can occur. Consider the age and condition of your printer, as older models may not produce the same level of detail and color accuracy as newer ones.


Achieving accurate color printing in Microsoft Word involves understanding color profiles, setting up appropriate printer configurations, and experimenting with different materials and devices. By following these guidelines, you can minimize color discrepancies and produce printed documents that closely match the colors displayed on your screen. Whether you’re a professional designer or a casual user, maintaining consistent color accuracy is key to producing visually appealing and professional-looking documents.


Q: 如何确保打印的颜色准确无误? A: 可以通过使用专业色彩管理工具、检查打印机设置、选择合适的墨水和纸张类型、校准显示器、使用打印预览功能以及测试不同打印机等方式来确保打印颜色的准确性。

Q: 为什么打印出来的颜色和屏幕显示的不一样? A: 这可能是因为打印机的设置不正确、使用的墨水或纸张质量不佳、颜色配置文件不匹配等原因导致。确保这些因素都得到妥善处理,可以减少颜色差异。

Q: 如何解决打印出来的颜色不一致的问题? A: 可以更换墨水或纸张、校准显示器、检查打印机设置并使用专业软件帮助调整颜色配置文件等方法来解决打印颜色不一致的问题。